Oppo is reportedly working on a new fast-charging solution. The company is expected to launch a 300W SuperVooc fast charger. If launched, the charger will be tied with the Redmi 300W Immortal Second Charger as the fastest smartphone charger in the market. This year has seen an invasion of smartphone manufacturers racing to offer the most recent and fastest charging methods alongside their new handsets. Some of these companies are currently developing and planning to deliver faster charging options. Infinix also recently launched a new 260W All-Round FastCharge charging system, which is currently the second-fastest in the market, along with a 110W Wireless All-Round FastCharge solution.
According to a Weibo post by reliable tipster Digital Chat Station, Oppo is working on a 300W SuperVooc fast charging system paired with a 4,450mAh battery (4,600mAh battery typical). The charger is expected to launch within the year.
Redmi also recently launched the 300W Immortal Second Charger, which claims to completely charge a smartphone in five minutes. According to the company, with this charging technique, a 4,100mAh battery can be charged to 10 percent in 43 seconds, 50 percent in two minutes and 13 seconds, and 100 percent in five minutes. The company also stated that this is not a brand-new technology, but rather a modification of one found on a Redmi Note 12 Pro+ model, which is backed by a 4,980mAh battery.